Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Leadership of Hungry Jack Organization-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Talk about the People Culture Contemporary Leadership. Answer: Presentation The Human asset office structure one of the most significant offices in an association as it deals with the individuals who are dependable of the every day activities of the business. The job of the HR division to sum things up is to guarantee the wellbeing and soundness of the individuals related with the organization, enrollment and keeping up a work neighborly condition in the association just as manage the issues and complaints of the representatives of the organization. It is likewise one of the obligations of the HR office to guarantee that the individuals who are related with the organization have an extent of profession improvement also. In this way, comprehensively the job can be isolated in three segments: staffing, worker remuneration and advantages, and characterizing/planning work. In this task the association that will be broke down is Hungry Jacks. The task will address an organization diagram followed by the HR rehearses that are received by the organization. Organization outline Hungry Jack's is notable in Australia, throughout the long stretches of foundation the organization has experienced a great deal of changes in the administration and corporate divisions yet then settled in 1971, the association is an entirely possessed auxiliary of Burger King Australia ( 2018). The proprietor of the association is Jack Cowin. Hungry Jack's claims and works or sub-licenses the entirety of the Burger King just as Hungry Jack's cafés in Australia. Burger King needed to extend their activities in Australia and the organization did it with adjusting the organization to a neighborhood association ( 2018). There are right around 390 stores in Australia; the focal point of the organization is in the nature of the item Hungry Jacks has more than 16,500 workers in the current status ( 2018). The organization is related with a few games and exercises of the network which demonstrates that they have a triple primary c oncern plan of action, where just money related part of the organization isn't the sole goal of the administration. The point of the association is to take into account the necessities of the objective market and adjust to the adjustments in the business likewise. The goals of the organization are: To make a significant relationship with the clients so as to guarantee an unwaveringness To assemble a reasonable future To guarantee that the organization grows the tasks further To have the option to meet the changing needs of the clients ( 2018) As an establishment, the organization endeavors to keep up the nature of the burgers that they serve their clients so as to acclimate consistency and maintain the proverb of the organization; The burgers are better at Hungry Jack's. The association is a significant manager in Australia, they are known for utilizing individuals who are youthful particularly searching for a vocation to continue their investigations and pocket cash. The organization spends around $250 million in pay rates and wages which is the reason it tends to be said that the organization significantly affects the economy of Australia also ( 2018). The organization follows six qualities: visitor drove; meritocratic; enabled; responsible; collaboration; and fun ( 2018). In April 2011, the organization was under the radar for coming up short on very nearly 700 representatives and the organization was forced with a punishment. Another allegation was conceded by Hungry Jacks is that they had neglected to keep a track and appropriate record of the workers present just as past ( 2011). Distinguishing proof and conversation of the associations HR methodology One of the significant methodologies of HR is to enlist youngsters so as to connect better with the objective market as individuals from 16-25 make up the essential objective market of the association (Nankervis et al 2002). Aside from that this methodology is likewise determined by the way that the organization needs to give youngsters, without experience a chance to comprehend the business and create energy structure the adolescents. There is a lot of workers in the organization who are under 18 years ( 2018). Preparing is a significant piece of the HR methodology, the workers are prepared to impart, comprehend and fathom with the clients, not just that they are additionally prepared to manage a few issues and complaints that the clients think of ( 2018). At the point when the organization thinks of another store contingent on the quality of the area around 35-50 individuals are delegated to serve the clients of the new eatery. Before opening these individuals are prepared to improve their abilities so as to make the procedure of activity smooth and effective (Nankervis et al 2002). The pay rates and the wages of each branch is kept uniform, so as to manage emergency circumstances like the one that has been expressed previously. The areas of the branch don't have any kind of effect. Roughly $600,000 is offered to every eatery on a yearly premise. The sum then again adds to the nearby economy also ( 2018). Following the primary system that has been examined this is another one of a kind HR rehearses that is trailed by the organization. In excess of 90 percent of the absolute populace of the representatives take a shot at low maintenance premise while getting a charge out of the considerable number of offices of professional stability alongside the adaptability of work time, the organization accepts this permits the workers to have a work-life balance as it is fundamental for the workers enthusiasm to line up with the targets of the organization (Nankervis et al 2002). Just 5 percent representatives in the organization are full-time engaged with the activities of the business where as around 2 percent are easygoing workers ( 2018). The association additionally workers individuals with exceptional capacities as they need to offer everybody a decent amount of possibility and to set up as equivalent open door boss. The HR division works intimately with the work with the business and position focuses in the areas of activities so as to prepare and representative such individuals ( 2018). Assessment of the current HR rehearses The organization sees it as an obligation to offer such a stage for youngsters to join an association just as proceed with other significant things in life too. The HR the executives of Hungry Jacks comprehends the obligation of training youngsters hard working attitudes and aptitudes which are essential in their vocation (Nankervis et al 2002). This is a piece of the companys Triple main concern model too which expresses that the organization not just spotlights on the accounts of the association yet in addition recognizes the obligations and the duties that they has as a corporate towards the prosperity of the general public just as the Environment (Nankervis et al. 2013). One of the disadvantages of the low maintenance and the youngsters strategy is that this system prompts low worker degree of consistency (Nankervis et al. 2013). For the most part individuals work with the organization for two or three months and afterward they leave, for youngsters being first time presented to work culture might be likewise hard to adjust which can be the explanation behind low whittling down. With the HR rehearses like utilizing individuals with physical handicaps and understanding the necessities and prerequisites of the workers the organization has made generosity in the business, which not just reverberate the nature of the item and administrations that they offer yet additionally grandstand the qualities and rules that the association follow (Nankervis et al. 2013). Outline of the current condition of representative commitment As Meritocracy and strengthening are a portion of the significant piece of the qualities that the organization follows, the emplacement commitment arrangements of the organization is likewise base on this worth (Menguc et al. 2013). Subsequently, the organization offers a few chances to the workers to learn and develop with their Employee Foundation, which is an altruistic trust that supports and helps the representatives of the association out of luck. Youthful Endeavor Program, is a grant that the organization has propelled as a signal to thank the representatives for their dedication and commitment towards the development and extension of the business. The organization additionally has preparing project and the executives courses for all the workers (Anitha 2014). Organized arrangement of activities Since fun is an additionally a piece of the estimations of the organization, the HR office ought to present some great exercises for the workers, considering the normal period of a large portion of the representatives are under 20 (Tims et al. 2013). As indicated by the JD-R (Job Demand and assets) Model authored by Arnold Bakker and Evangelia Demerouti, express that when the activity requests are taking off and work positives or assets is little pressure is unavoidable. One the other hand in the event that the assets are additionally at standard with the requests, at that point it can make an interpretation of in to commitment and inspiration (Bakker and Demerouti 2014). The organizations additionally have the chance to manage a portion of the normal natural issue, with the assistance of the representatives. An ever increasing number of associations are drawing in their representatives in their CSR exercises this improves the persuasive rate among the workers and makes them being a piece of network (Truss et al. 2013). End It very well may be reasoned that Hungry Jacks has a hierarchal association structure which makes it simple for the representatives to work as they have a director or a chief who guides the workers to endeavor towards accomplishing the goals of the organization. Hungry jacks is known for their quality and practicality of their administration, the HR branch of the organization isn't just centered around recruiting individuals yet in addition guaranteeing the individuals working for the association get opportunity and extension to build up their vocation with the organization Reference list: Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of worker commitment and their effect on representative presentation. Global diary of profitability and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

De creativiteit van de politieke cultuur †Nederlandse Essay

De creativiteit van de politieke cultuur †Nederlandse Essay Free Online Research Papers De creativiteit van de politieke cultuur Nederlandse Essay Als we proberen om het domein te omschrijven dat wordt bestudeerd entryway de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur, dan zullen in deze omschrijving de termen ‘politiek’ en ‘maatschappij’ niet mogen ontbreken. De geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur bestudeert immers de wisselwerking tussen enerzijds staat (of, inderdaad, politiek) en anderzijds maatschappij. Hierbij zijn ook informele aspecten van belang: zonder inzicht in de informele aspecten van politiek en maatschappij kunnen we nog maar weinig begrijpen van het daadwerkelijke functioneren van de politieke cultuur. Maar waarom is de bestudering van de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur zo belangrijk? Wat is het dat maakt dat dit profiel een grotere verklarende kracht heeft dan de andere profielen? Voordat ik deze vragen beantwoord moet eerst duidelijk worden dat de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur iets anders is dan de politieke filosofie †hoewel de geschiedenis van de politieke filosofie een intrinsic onderdeel is van de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur. De politieke filosofie houdt zich immers bezig met de beantwoording van de vraag digger samenlevingen het beste kunnen worden ingericht. De geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur houdt zich vervolgens bezig met de bestudering van het daadwerkelijke functioneren van deze inrichting. Uit deze omschrijvingen blijkt evenwel dat de domeinen van de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur en de politieke filosofie zeer dicht bij elkaar kunnen liggen. Dat is echter niet noodzakelijkerwijs zo. In dit paper zal ik proberen aan te geven wat ik aantrekkelijk vind aan de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur. Hiertoe zal ik allereerst het bereik van dit profiel schetsen. Vervolgens zal ik aandacht schenken aan een benaderingswijze waarbij zowel wordt verwezen naar de politieke filosofie als naar de politieke realiteit. Hierbij zal ook het belang van deze benadering worden aangekaart; deze benadering geeft ons zeer specifieke inzichten in het functioneren van de historische en de hedendaagse politiek. In de conclusie zal getracht worden tot een omschrijving te komen van de aantrekkingskracht van geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur. Het bereik van de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur Wat betreft het bereik van de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur is het veelzeggend dat beoefenaars van de andere profielen aangeven dat de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur relevante antwoorden verschaft operation vragen uit deze andere profielen. Laten we eerst kijken naar de studie van de internationale setting. Carl von Clausewitz, de grote Pruisische strateeg, heeft geschreven dat â€Å"†¦ war isn't just a demonstration of strategy yet a genuine political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, continued with different methods. †¦ The political item is the objective, war is the methods for arriving at it, and means can never be considered in disengagement from their purpose.† Als we oorlog als een voortzetting van diplomatie zien, dan kunnen we vervolgens deze uitspraak ook van toepassing laten zijn operation het functioneren van internationale organisaties. En het functioneren van deze organisaties als instrument is afhankelijk van de doelst ellingen zoals kick the bucket in de verschillende politieke centra zijn vastgesteld. Het zijn de politici bite the dust het beleid bepalen, de diplomaten voeren het slechts uit †althans, dat proberen ze. Kortom: wie ook maar iets van het doen en laten van internationale organisaties wil begrijpen zal te rade moeten gaan bij de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur. Beoefenaars van de economische en sociale geschiedenis zijn decennia lang operation zoek geweest naar de heilige graal: met behulp van mathematische modellen wilden zij de verklaring voor economische groei vinden. Vandaag de dag wordt echter †ironisch genoeg als uitkomst van de zogenaamde cliometrische revolutie †gewezen operation tekortkomingen van deze methode. Historisch onderzoek is echter meer dan het bestuderen van cijferreeksen. In de economische en sociale geschiedenis hebben we immers niet te maken met abstracte modellen maar met de realiteit †wiskundige modellen zijn eenvoudigweg niet opgewassen tegen de complexiteit van economische activiteiten en economische verandering. Volgens de vooraanstaande New Economic Historian Douglass C. North zullen we om deze complexiteit enigszins te kunnen begrijpen aandacht moeten schenken aan instituties en hun werking operation de sociaal-economische werkelijkheid. Maar wat zijn instituties? North omschrijft instituties als †¦ the humanly formulated imperatives that structure political, financial and social communication. They comprise of both casual requirements (sanctions, restrictions, customs, conventions, and sets of principles) and formal standards (constitutions, laws, property rights). From the beginning of time, establishments have been conceived by individuals to make arrange and decrease vulnerability in return. Along with the standard requirements of financial aspects they characterize the decision set and consequently decide exchange and creation costs and thus the benefit and attainability of taking part in monetary movement. They advance steadily, interfacing the past with the present and the future; history in result is to a great extent an account of institutional development wherein the authentic exhibition of economies must be comprehended as a piece of a successive story. Establishments give the motivation structure of an economy; as that structure develops, it shapes the headin g of monetary change towards development, stagnation, or decrease. Als we deze instituties aan het domein van een van de profielen moeten verbinden, dan komen we onverbiddelijk uit bij de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur. De geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur is immers bij uitstek het profiel dat zich richt operation de inrichting en het functioneren van onze maatschappij. Problemen en oplossingen Cultivator moeten we de geschiedenis van de politieke cultuur benaderen? Ankersmit weet ons in het vierde hoofdstuk van zijn in 2002 verschenen boek Political portrayal te vertellen dat ieder politiek systeem kan †en moet †worden beschouwd als een specifiek antwoord operation een specifieke politieke uitdaging. We begrijpen het functioneren van deze politieke systemen (en dus ook instituties) dan ook beter als we nagaan scraper ze zijn ingericht om specifieke problemen operation te lossen. Volgens Ankersmit kunnen we de wortels van deze benadering vinden in een artikel uit 1953 van Quentin Skinner. Dit artikel wordt wel beschouwd als de grondtekst van de Cambridge school of political hypothesis: The fundamental inquiry which we in this manner go up against, in concentrating any given content, is the thing that its writer, recorded as a hard copy at the time he wrote for the crowd he proposed to address, could by and by have been planning to convey by the articulation of this given expression. It follows that the basic point, in any endeavor to comprehend the expressions themselves, must be to recuperate this mind boggling aim with respect to the creator. What's more, it follows from this that the proper philosophy for the historical backdrop of thoughts must be concerned, most importantly, to depict the entire scope of correspondences which could have been traditionally performed on the given event by the expression of the given articulation, and, next, to follow the relations between the given articulation and this more extensive phonetic setting as a methods for disentangling the real goal of the given essayist. De gedachtegang van Skinner komt er operation neer, zo stelt Ankersmit in zijn Denken over geschiedenis, dat de teksten kick the bucket politieke filosofen en theoretici schreven specifieke antwoorden waren operation de voor hun tijd specifieke problemen. De gelijkenis tussen de in 1953 geã ¯ntroduceerde benadering van Skinner en de bijna vijftig jaar later voorgestelde benadering van Ankersmit is inderdaad opmerkelijk. Eigenlijk benaderen zij twee verschillende fenomenen operation dezelfde manier: daar waar Skinner zich beweegt operation het niveau van teksten, heeft Ankersmit juist aandacht voor de politieke praktijk. De vraag is waarom deze benaderingswijze nooit eerder is toegepast operation representatieve democratie. Volgens Ankersmit is dit zo omdat we het feodalisme en het absolutisme veelal beschouwen als een soort flogiston. We hoefden de democratie maar (opnieuw) te ontdekken en iedereen zoom in dat de andere twee systemen een dwaling waren geweest. Deze twee oudere prakt ijken werden dan ook niet serieus genomen. Het succes van de representatieve democratie hoefde dan ook niet verklaard te worden omdat het als vanzelfsprekend werd gezien. In een recensie betwijfeld Andrew Rehfeld of de entryway Ankersmit voorgestelde benadering wel zo nieuw is. Hierbij vraagt Rehfeld zich af wat het verschil is tussen de ‘nieuwe benadering’ van Ankersmit en de these van de padafhankelijkheid. Als deze benadering inderdaad een vorm is van padafhankelijkheid, dan zou Ankersmit (waarschijnlijk) onbedoeld tegemoet komen aan de suggestie van North om de idee van padafhankelijkheid te verbreden naar de institutionele setting. Laten we eerst recapituleren wat padafhankelijkheid behelst. J.W. Drukker omschrijft in zijn De revolutie bite the dust in haar eigen staart beet scraper Paul David operation het formuleren van deze these kwam. Het uitgangspunt van David was de configuratie van het qwerty-toetsenbord. Bij dit toetsenbord zijn de letters zo geplaatst dat bij het schrijven van een willekeurige Engelse tekst de kans operation het jammen van de stalen armen van de machine zo klein mogelijk is. qwerty garandeerde zo een efficià £ «ntieoptimum en werd de wereldwijde standaard. En we zitten er nu nog horses aan huge, terwijl de beperkingen van de ouderwetse typemachine geen rol meer spelen en efficiã «ntere systemen mogelijk zijn. De oorzaak hiervan is dat we destijds hebben gek

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Florida, complete

Florida, complete Im back in Boston now, my meetings in Florida being done. It was quite a trip! We left off in Miami, where I had a great meeting before a packed house. I also got some recommendations for yummy Cuban food on Calle Ocho, in Miamis Little Havana. The Cuban sampler at Versailles Restaurant Bakery in Miami. After Miami, it was off to Floridas Gulf Coast, where I was due to do a meeting in Tampa. Like in Orlando and Miami, I had the opportunity to meet and dine with the Tampa Bay-area Educational Counselors (ECs) before the Central Meeting. The Tampa ECs and I dining at Charleys Steakhouse. At right, Regional Chair Lauralee Grizzaffi 91. Folks came to the meeting from far and wide, such as Tallahassee (thanks Melissa!), Gainesville, and Naples (including Mike others from Gulf Coast HS). The 300+ person crowd in Tampa. Overall, I saw more than 1200 people at 4 meetings across the state of Florida. I met many great students and had some great conversations with our ECs. It was my first time in South Florida and Floridas Gulf Coast. I really enjoyed my time there, and hope to visit again soon. Even though Im home now, I head right back to Tampa on Thursday to attend and present at the national conference of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Not too long after that, Im off to Southern California for more Central Meetings its a busy time! While I am back in Boston, look for my next few entries to talk about stuff happenning on campus. On that note, today is the opening day for Overnight Program registration. On your MyMIT portal, in the orange box on the left there is an Overnight Program link. Clicking on this will allow you to register to come to campus and stay overnight with an MIT student, go to classes, eat in the dining halls, etc. If you are interested, check it out!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Red Cross Essay - 1518 Words

Paperclips. Usually, they hold paper together, but not in Linda Kimble’s case. Hurricane Katrina left her and many others in Monroe, Louisiana homeless. I was still in New Orleans when Katrina hit, recants Linda. I was in a hotel with other evacuees downtown and the wind kept slamming a door. Fortunately, they could find safety at the Red Cross run shelter in Monroe. Paperclips is the introduction to all of this because thats the nickname hurricane survivors gave to the volunteers at the shelter. The Paperclips worked with hurricane survivors to provide daily support and to help survivors orient themselves with their surroundings. Linda draws together the final strands of the connection, Paperclips hold paper and hold people†¦show more content†¦With such a high number of volunteers, it becomes difficult to train and teach them all, possibly leading to such problems involving loss of quality control with collecting and transferring blood. Unfortunately, the soluti on to the next problem is more volunteers. Perhaps the issue with which the ARC fails the most is resolving their work force, specifically volunteers. The way the ARC handled disaster relief after Hurricane Katrina, clarifies their shortcomings. After the land fall of Katrina, the ARC mobilized 170,000+ relief workers and had gathered 2,000 volunteers before Katrina even hit. They opened 1,470 shelters and registered 3.8 million overnight stays. Yet, these statistics are not as pristine as one might think. Several complaints were voiced about various, mostly busy ARC phone lines, inadequate assistance, or assistance that came too late, and survivors unable to find ARC relief stations due to hard to reach locations. More criticisms alleged poor communications and bureaucratic issues. The ARC acknowledged all these problems saying they simply were not prepared to deal with such a large disaster, and, therefore, the complexity of the relief tasks was unprecedented, and they n eeded a lot more volunteers than they thought. Not that this was too much of a problem, they received an numbers of Americans who wanted to volunteer. Soon enough, they were processing over 35,000 claims a day. But this massShow MoreRelatedChanges in the American Red Cross Essay973 Words   |  4 Pages(1) Changes at the American Red Cross have led to more transparency at the agency. These changes include making public record of its stance on governance and ethics policy. Also, each member of the board of directors is required to sign the Board Member Affirmation of Service, which mandates that each member actively participate a minimum of 15 days per year with the organization, read the Code of Ethics, and comply with the policy. Other changes include the Office of the Ombudsman office itsRead MoreRed Cross Essay913 Words   |  4 PagesFederico Alcocer January 18, 2013 Mrs. Rivera 3B The Red Cross It was during 1919 in Paris after World War 1 had just finished, when the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was founded (IFRC). The idea of having such a symbol as a Red Cross came from Henry Dunant in 1859. It all started when Dunant witnessed a bloody battle scene in Solferino, Italy. Over 40,000 men laid dead or wounded in the battlefield without any medical help. It was from there andRead MoreAmerican Red Cross Essay768 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Red Cross Summary The American Red Cross (ARC) is an independent organization, supported by public financial donations and volunteerism. It provides relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. The company has been widely criticized for the way it handled 9/11 in 2001 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as being inadequate and poorly managed. The company has allegations of fraud, bribery and even theft on the part of volunteers and employeesRead MoreAmerican Red Cross Essay802 Words   |  4 Pages†¢ American Red Cross Review one organization’s philosophy, mission, vision, and values statements. These are the organization’s espoused values: What the organization says it values. Conduct research in the University Library to find articles about the organization’s enacted values: What the company actually does. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on your review and research in which you complete the following: †¢ Briefly describe the culture of the chosen organization, noting whetherRead MoreAmerican Red Cross Essay2643 Words   |  11 Pagesthe Red Cross of America. The paper discusses the historical background of the Red Cross along with the current status of the organization. Nevertheless, the study intends to focus on the section 501 (c) (3). The section specifically enlightens the prospects through which the tax exemption may be applied. International Committee of Red Cross (commonly known as Red Cross) was established in 1863 as a non-profit social organization. Red Cross works under the head of The International Red Cross andRead MoreEssay on American Red Cross3723 Words   |  15 PagesAmerican Red Cross The American Red Cross is an independent, volunteer-led organization, financially supported by voluntary public contributions and cost-reimbursement charges. It is an organization that provides services to all humanity both nationally and internationally. The International Red Cross works along side with the Red Crescent Movement and together they are the worlds largest humanitarian network, with a presence and activities in almost every country. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What is Parenthood Essay

Introduction Parenthood is the state in which individual(s) transits to become a parent and as such his/her roles, status, values and needs in the society change. For an individual to qualify to become a parent they have to have a child and thus the man becomes a father while the woman becomes a mother. In parenthood, one can either be a single parent, which refers that he/she has been mandated to look after the kid alone due to unavoidable circumstances. In life, everybody is bound to pass through this stage. Being a parent is one of the difficult tasks and at the same time rewarding task one will ever undertake in this world. Although one can be a parent by giving birth, adopting a child from an orphanage, raising a grandchild and even being a step/foster parent, the most challenging part in this transition is that one’s lifestyle automatically changes (DeBord). Lead sentence 1 The stages of parenthood are the image making stage, nurturing, authority, interpretive, independent, and the stage of departure. Explanation The stage of image making lies before the birth of a baby. From birth to 18 months we call this stage the nurturing since the parents are trying to form attachments with the new born. Authority stage is between 18 months to 5 years. During this period, the child is developing in different ways for example language. From age 5 through to the elementary school, the child is said to be in the interpretive stage of parenthood thus parents need to fully explain themselves in order for the child to understand. The last stage is the departure (death, separation, and distancing) one where age of children varies. Lead sentence 2 Different styles of parents have been characterized by researchers as authoritarian, permissive-indulgent, authoritative, and disengaged. Explanation Permissive-indulgent type of parents are those that give their children much attention and love yet are low when it comes to making certain demands which include punishments. Disengaged (permissive-indifferent) are those parents who take long in responding to their children’s needs as well as on making the demands. Parents who are authoritarian are however demanding, but not responsive thus are strict. They use punishments in disciplining their children and do not allow them the freedom to choose or express their views. Lastly, the authoritative parents have a balance in discipline measures, have high set standards and mature behavior expectations, enforce rules firmly and encourage children to be independent and individualistic (DeBord). Lead sentence 3 Parenthood does entail the responsibility of individual(s) being a parent(s) and thus they will need to nurture, support, and encourage their children to be positive in life so as to be triumphant people in future. Explanation A child becomes successful in future due to their parents’ support and encouragement and is why leadership is also associated with parenthood. Leadership encompasses the ability of an individual to support, promote, nurture, and lead the people of his/her country in a diplomatic and ethical way. When the leader of a country is true, they produce great societies that are dynamic hence citizens become productive. All this toils back to the kind of parent the leader had during his/her development. Leaders need to be real parents of their followers in order for them to grow, develop, and succeed which can be achieved by encouraging their citizens to persist in all they want to achieve (DeBord). Lead sentence 4 Parenthood is either planned for or unplanned. Explanation Planned Parenthood is where both the woman and man arrange on when they want to have their child while the unplanned parenthood is when the girl gets pregnant at a tender age and does not commit abortion. Surrogate parenthood on the other hand is when the barren woman requests the services of another woman to bear the child on her behalf and later get paid. The child will be theirs since the husband willfully gave his sperm for fertilization to take place. Teachers, coaches, neighbors and even grandparents all help in giving new parents useful information of the path they are taking. The skills associated with parenting can be strengthened by learning processes and experience, which is the best teacher (Elster 55). Conclusion The requirements of a good parenthood are; one should have a mature and stable personality at all times in order to be differentiated from the crowd. One should be reasonable enough thus should have the ability of controlling the impulses that are encountered. Above all these, the individual(s) should be a good role model to be followed by many in the society. None of these requirements is teachable to an individual since the feelings come from within. Fathers experience very high anxiety levels during the parenthood transition period as compared to women (Elster 55). Work Cited: DeBord, K. Parenthood and Parenting. New York: North Carolina. 1997. Elster, B. Adolescent Fatherhood. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1986 (2) 55.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marbury vs. Madison Free Essays

Marbury vs. Madison (5 U.S. We will write a custom essay sample on Marbury vs. Madison or any similar topic only for you Order Now 137, 1803) involved an application for a writ of mandamus against the then Secretary of State Madison, directing him to deliver to Marbury his commission as a Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia.   In determining whether or not mandamus would lie, the Supreme Court made a four part inquiry involving the following questions, to wit: 1) whether or not the applicant Madison has a right to the commission he demands; 2) in the affirmative, whether or not the laws of the United States afford him a remedy for its violation; 3) in the affirmative, whether or not mandamus is the proper remedy. The case is considered a landmark case, because it was the first time that the US Supreme Court, through then Chief Justice Marshall, enunciated the doctrine of judicial review, i.e., that the Supreme Court has the power to review federal or state legislation, or acts of government officers and other individuals, to determine whether or not they are in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution, and to strike down such laws and acts if they are found to be unconstitutional.   Specifically, Chief Justice Marshall stated that: â€Å"†If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect?†¦ It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is†¦If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each (5 U.S. 137, 178).   So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court must either decide that case conformably to the law, disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the constitution, disregarding the law; the court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is of the very essence of judicial duty† (5 U.S. 137, 179). Over the years, the doctrine of federal and state judicial review has been developed and enhanced, despite there being no express provision on its grant to the judicial branch of government under the constitution.   In interpreting the constitution, there are generally six forms of construction that are usually applied, i.e., historical, textual, structural, doctrinal, ethical, and prudential (Fallon, 1987). The historical construction centers on the original legislative intent behind the provision, while the textual interpretation involves the text itself, and the structural interpretation contrasts the text with the structure given in the constitution.   Ethical and prudential considerations generally involve a determination of whether or not it would be proper, ethical, or wise to make a ruling.   The doctrinal form of construction involves another doctrine, that of stare decisis. The complete Latin term is stare decisis et non quiete movere.   Literally translated, it means â€Å"stand by decisions and do not move that which is quiet.†Ã‚   The doctrine of stare decisis or of case precedents is one of the central tenets of a common law legal system.   Past precedent generally circumscribes the leeway by which a court can address a certain issue, because the rule is that once something has heretofore been judicially determined, then that is all there is to it.   â€Å"Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be settled right. . . . This is commonly true even where the error is a matter of serious concern, provided correction can be had by legislation.   But in cases involving the Federal Constitution, where correction through legislative action is practically impossible, this Court has often overruled its earlier decisions.   The Court bows to the lessons of experience and the force of better reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial and error so fruitful in the physical sciences, is appropriate also in the judicial function† (Burnet v. Coronado Oil Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393, 1932). For some justices, the doctrine of stare decisis would be no doctrine at all, if overruling justices gave reasons that did not go beyond pointing out that the previous decision was wrong (Nelson, 2001).   This presents a huge burden on the exercise of judicial review, especially since cases hinging on the constitutionality of statutes are usually considered landmark cases and are the basis for applying the stare decisis doctrine. The main arguments against the doctrine of judicial review are against its validity, in that, as mentioned, it is not specifically vested as a power of the judiciary in the constitution, and that it goes against the doctrine of stare decisis.   The proponents of the validity of judicial review would rely on the broad definition of judicial power under the constitution, and the fact that it has been long recognized and accepted in other common law jurisdictions. If judicial review were considered an absolute power, it would definitely undermine the common law doctrine of stare decisis, because judges and justices would be given free reign to determine what the law is and apply their interpretations on a case to case basis whenever they saw fit.   However, to think that either judicial review or stare decisis are absolutes would be absurd, because no government power is absolute. Instead of focusing on an apparent conflict or adverse relationship between the two, it is submitted that despite the criticisms against judicial review, it is an inherent function of judicial power, and should be harmonized with the stare decisis doctrine.   One author proposes thus: â€Å"Even in cases of first impression, judges do not purport to have unconstrained discretion to enforce whatever rules they please.   Many of their arguments appeal instead to external sources of law, like statutes or established customs. These external sources of law will often be indeterminate and incomplete; they will leave considerable room for judicial discretion.   But unless they are wholly indeterminate, they will still tend to produce some degree of consistency in judicial decisions.   If †¦the primary purpose of stare decisis is to protect the rule of law by avoiding an endless series of changes in judicial decisions, we may be able to achieve this purpose without applying a general presumption against overruling past decisions. We may, in short, be able to refine the doctrine of stare decisis to take advantage of the consistency that would tend to exist even in its absence† (Nelson, 2001).   The doctrine of stare decisis is about stability, while judicial review is about fairness and justice.   Applying both and harmonizing their purposes would allow for flexibility and wisdom, especially in cases when past decisions are not on all fours with the facts of the case at hand. Reference List: Burnet v. Coronado Oil Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393 (1932) (dissenting opinion by Justice Brandeis). Fallon. (1987). A Constructivist Coherence Theory of Constitutional Interpretation. 100 Harv. L. Rev. 1189. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 147 (1803). Nelson, C. (2001). Stare Decisis an How to cite Marbury vs. Madison, Essay examples

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Management Development Institute Singapore â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Management Development Institute Singapore? Answer: Introducation My previous institution name was Management development institute of Singapore where I had pursued my degree program in successful way. The main purpose of this institution was to spread human knowledge by providing learning for lifelong. Management development institute of Singapore is one of the oldest not-for-profit professional institutes in Singapore that was found in the year 1956. This institute operates to offer programs starting from Mass communications, Business Management, Health Life sciences, Psychology, Hospitality Management as well as Fashion Design and Information Technology ("Study in Singapore | MDIS", 2017). Management development institute of Singapore offers the courses in collaboration with universities in Australia, United Kingdom, United States and France. Management development institute of Singapore is registered under Committee for Private Education Singapore. The main purpose of setting up this university is to spread knowledge as widely as possible (Bow e, Ball Gold, 2017). Criteria used for evaluating the effectiveness of Management development institute of Singapore and justification of the criteria At Management development institute of Singapore, I had noted five key guiding performance criteria for evaluating the effectiveness in university education for the purpose of getting gratitude as well as guidance. These criteria are listed below with proper justification: The first performance criteria is approaches to teaching that influences, inspire as well as motivate students to learn at Management development institute of Singapore The second performance criteria is developing curriculum as well as resources that reveal a authority in the field at Management development institute of Singapore The third performance criteria is approaches to assessment as well as getting feedback that promote independent knowledge The fourth performance criteria is respecting and supporting for the expansion of students as individuals The fifth performance criteria is scholarly articles that in real influences and enhances learning as well as teaching at Management development institute of Singapore Considering the criteria when two stakeholder groups of Management development institute of Singapore might use for evaluating the effectiveness The stakeholder of Management development institute of Singapore is the individual department, faculty and institution who are responsible for taking care of the university that suffices the above listed performance criteria. The first listed performance criteria are taken into consideration by the stakeholders aspects such as learning and academic values, group interaction as well as lecturer enthusiasm and workload or difficulty (Williford et al., 2017). The second listed performance criteria are taken into consideration by the stakeholders of Management development institute of Singapore as it involves organization or clarity, assignments or reading and breadth of coverage. The third listed performance criteria are taken into consideration by the stakeholders of Management development institute of Singapore as it involves examinations or grading system as well as assignments or readings. The fourth listed performance criteria are taken into account by the stakeholders as it involves group interaction as well as individual report. The fifth listed performance criteria are taken into account by the stakeholders of Management development institute of Singapore as it mention about the features of scholarship that adds to toe soundness as well as validity of notion of effective teaching in the university (Sigalov Nachmias, 2016). Analysis of effectiveness from the perspective of different stakeholders and implications for developing a coherent approach From the perspective of stakeholder of Management development institute of Singapore, it needs particular set of skills as well as practices and coherent approach for effective teaching. According to them, effective learning may not be always possible or feasible just because of the fact that teaching effectiveness depends upon the features like type of subject, ability of the student as well as class size and assessment practices like any other contextual factors (Nilson, 2016). At Management development institute of Singapore, education takes place in a background that include a corrective framework that varies between faculties, departments as well as institutions that influences the factors to effective teaching. The stakeholders of Management development institute of Singapore have their detailed background impact on teachers, students as well as teaching that had wider and multifaceted technological, political, economic and demographic change forces. To explain in detail, these forces add to the difficulty of the context where the forces connect to higher education that comes from various sources (Darling-Hammond, 2016). As far as implications is concerned, important measurement of the situation of increased contribution that is paid work for managing the cost burden of higher education. it is because of paid work done by the students, there is decrease in student class attendance as well as less time given by the student for any of the study related activities. Effective teaching at Management development institute of Singapore directly links to the technological changes where the advances in the area had important impact on knowledge as well as teaching in present years that assist both teacher to reach a large number of students and manages with the multiplicity and added to the level of complexity of the tertiary education as well as learning surroundings at the same time (Devlin McKay, 2016). The staff members at Management development institute of Singapore should learn new skills as well as ways to interact and communicate with the students while teaching on-campus and off-campus in blended surroundings. Leadership in teaching as well as learning had been noted that is a central part of meeting the requirements in the present context (Kokkinos, Stavropoulos Davazoglou, 2016). In that case, teachers has formal and informal leadership positions within the instruction and knowledge in universities that is needed for contributing to the scholarship of education and knowledge by getting engaged with the existing information in the area like peer-sharing and mentoring. The study properly shared common understanding of effective teaching as it is essential for ensuring the quality of Management development institute of Singapore in teaching and learning activities. It needs proper understanding of incorporating skills as well as practices of effective teachers in a way where it need to be practiced within the multiple and overlapping contexts. Reference List Bowe, R., Ball, S. J., Gold, A. 2017.Reforming education and changing schools: Case studies in policy sociology(Vol. 10). Routledge. Darling-Hammond, L. 2016. Research on teaching and teacher education and its influences on policy and practice.Educational Researcher,45(2), 83-91. Devlin, M., McKay, J. 2016. Teaching students using technology: Facilitating success for students from low socio economic status backgrounds in Australian universities.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology,32(1). Kokkinos, C. M., Stavropoulos, G., Davazoglou, A. 2016. Development of an instrument measuring student teachers perceived stressors about the practicum.Teacher Development,20(2), 275-293. Nilson, L. B. 2016.Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college instructors. John Wiley Sons. Sigalov, S. E., Nachmias, R. 2016. Wikipedia as a platform for impactful learning: A new course model in higher education.Education and Information Technologies, 1-21. Study in Singapore | MDIS., August 16, 2017. Williford, A. P., Carter, L. M., Maier, M. F., Hamre, B. K., Cash, A., Pianta, R. C., Downer, J. T. 2017. Teacher management in core components of an effective, early childhood professional development course: Links to changes in teacherchild interactions.Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education,38(1), 102-118.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

BP company employee training and development

Introduction The following report is concerned with the extent upon which an organization adopts a structured training process approach to the analysis, design, delivery and evaluation of its learning and development provision. The report starts with an understanding of the Bp Oil. co. Ltd. located in Hull. It also defines the learning and development theories, their applications and also includes the conclusions as well as the key recommendations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on BP company employee training and development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An overview of BP Company The BP Company has its locations in the United Kingdom and it is one of the leading gas and Oil Company the entire Europe continent. Its headquarters are based at London. However, this report focuses on the BP Company that is located at Saltend which nears the Hull city. The BP Company plays a key role as far as the world’s chem ical industry is concerned. The company also exist as a centre for Technology as well as Research in the entire world. BP is a multinational company and operates in more than 80 countries across the globe. The initials†BP† was as a result of the organization’s founders, British Petroleum. Apart from being much involved into oil as well as gas manufacturing, the company is also concerned with the social corporate responsibilities. The company is also listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as well as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). An understanding of learning and development theories, models and frameworks in BP The learning and development theories are part of the larger human resource management that is concerned with the policies, programs and practices which are designed to maximize both the organizational and personal goals. Employees training and development usually plays an important role of determining the profitability of an organization i.e. it ens ures that the employees perform well hence increasing the productivity (Gibb, 2008, 8). In BP Oil Company that is located in Hull, training is done on old and new members of staff as well. This enables them to adjust with regards to the changes that occur in the course of their duties. It enables them to be conversant with the technological changes that take place.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The methods that are employed in training the employees in BP oil company includes the following; job rotation, lectures, apprenticeships, role playing as well as simulation, audiovisual methods, internships among others. David Kolb who is an educational theorist came up with learning styles in the early 1980s. David Kold came up with important concepts regarding the learning styles and the concepts are applied in many organizations today. The theory focuses on four learning styles which are interpreted in a cycle. According to David Kolb, the learning process is in form of a cycle whereby, the trainee is expected to touch all the cycle’s bases. The cycles are composed of the concrete experience, observation and reflection, testing implications as well as the formation of the abstract concepts as well as generalisations. According to him, the concrete experience results to reflection as well as the observation. The reflection and observation are then incorporated into theoretical concepts i.e. the abstracts. The implications are then tested and experimented so that the corrective action can be taken. The testing as well as the experimentation also enables one to come up with new experiences. Kolb holds the view that learners usually prefers a particular learning style and that there are several factors that influences one to prefer a given learning style. The following diagram represents Kolb’s 4 cycles of learning process According to sparks an d Loucks (1998), there are usually five models with regards to employee’s development. The first model is the individually Guided Development in which the instructor devises the tasks that will be accomplished. The employees are vested with the role of coming up with the means of objectives attainment.By so doing, the mode; is believed to motivate them. The model is also important because it allows the instructors to attend to their own issues and hence creating some professionalism.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on BP company employee training and development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The other model with regards to employee’s development is the observation as well as assessment. The employees are allowed to provide feedback regarding to the teachings that they receive. The employees learn as they observe the teachers’ teaching behaviour. The employees are also allowed to discuss amon g themselves and this enables them to exchange important ideas (Harrison, 2009, 67). The third model as far as employee’s development is concerned is the employee’s involvement in the development process. This helps to bring about the maximum individual development of the employees in the organization. The employees are assessed and areas that require to be improved are highlighted. The involvement is important as it enables the employees to acquire new skills. The fourth model of the employee’s development is training. In this model, the presenter devises the learning activities that should be carried out together with the effects that are associated with the learning activities. In this model, the employees are trained on the theoretical as well as the practical aspects as far as the organizational activities are concerned (Swart 2005, 89). The last model with regards to employee’s development is the inquiry. Inquiry is concerned with identifying the problems and collecting the data. Usually, the teacher prepares some questions so as to determine their personal teaching practices and to take actions where necessary. Application of learning and development theories, models and frameworks The learning and development theories, models and frameworks with regards to the BP Company are applied in analysis, design, delivery as well as the evaluation of the learning and development provision. Application of training and development theories in employee’s analysis Learning and development theories enable the management to effectively analyse the performance of the employees. The employee’s performance is thus measured against the set objectives. The trainees usually liaise with the senior leadership team of the organization so as to provide them with an insight concerning their progress. Essentially, the trainees are only required to have a positive attitude towards raining and also show their willingness to successfu lly complete the training and development programmes. They should also put extra effort to ensure that they capture all that they are taught. Training also requires the employees to be reliable and cooperative with their trainers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The selection criteria of employees who requires training in BP co. is usually informal. The line managers in organizations usually select the employees that require to be trained. Also, the employee who feels that they need training so as to enhance their skills also forwards themselves. Employees are thus trained on the following areas; customer satisfaction, problem solving, communication skills as well as teamwork management and control. Each area of training is completely different from the other and therefore the teachers should ensure that they teach one area at a time so that the employees can understand well (Walton, 1999, 19). A SWOT analysis of the employees training is also conducted in order to determine the strength and weaknesses of the programme and whether the programme is facing any threats and has any opportunity in the market. This is usually done by the senior management team in the organization, the organization’s training specialists, and those employee s who are through with their training among others. The SWOT analysis team may also be comprised of a small group or an individual who has adequate knowledge concerning the organizational as well as employees’ training needs. The trainees are thus informed of the reasons why SWOT analysis is being carried out before the process begins. The strengths refers to the areas that employees are best in i.e. those aspects that the employees performs very well such as outgoing e.t.c. training however, the training team should not give a high priority to strengths (Stewart, 1999,15). Weaknesses entail the aspects which calls for employees require to be improved. For instance, poor customer service is a form of weakness which if not improved may lead to loss of potential customers in an organization. Opportunities as well as the threats are usually as a result of the outside factors. Opportunity entails the new openings that if utilized properly, could lead generate greater revenue to t he organization for instance, a new product may call for direct sales representatives so as to conduct the market promotion and hence the need for training. Threats entails the occurrences on the employees that could make it difficult for them to perform their duties effectively and efficiently e.g. the sales staff may find it difficult to promote the company’s product as a result of the emergence of a competitor who offers low prices for goods. Thus, unless they are trained, the sales staff may not be able to create sales for the business. Thus, the learning theory and development is very important as far as the employee’s analysis is concerned (Reid, Barrington, 2004, 24). Application of training and development theories and employees design in BP Company Employees design entails a program that is set so as to ensure that the employees training objectives are met. The training designs have indeed developed over the years in that it has began using the systematic mod els. For instance, the BP Company has been using the instructional systems design commonly referred to as ISD so as to enhance efficiency with regards to the training programmes. The training designs ensure that the employees are ready for the training and it also ensures that learning is carried on in a smooth manner. It also helps in monitoring and evaluating the employees training and development. Thus training design enables the employees to achieve their training goals. For the training design to be effective, the learning goals to be attained should be determined ahead of the training process (Bee, Bee, 2003, 89). The efficiency of an employee training program can be enhanced by the following; the trainers requires to define the training needs of the employees first i.e. they should approach the training with a clear mindset. The company’s needs should also be determined so as to identify the area that requires to be improved. There should be no hurry at all in determi ning the ideal training programmes. The training should also be done in a suitable place. Also; the organizational leaders should ensure that they don’t have much workload during the employees training period so as to support the employees where necessary. The trainers too requires to be very attentive in that should act promptly to support the employees in case of anything (Sparks, Loucks, 1998, 26). Training programs design is meant to assess whether the employees are able to use the resources available effectively and efficiently. If the employees fail in a program, it results in the waste of resources for the organization. The success of the program depends on the type of the trainees that are selected for training by the company and therefore the right people should be selected (Megginson Whitaker, 2007, 54). The training and development thus enables the creation of an effective program that ensures that the employees training objectives are met. The training programs at the BP Company ensure that the employee’s are able to study the materials. The programs also ensure that the employees are able to utilize the resources that they have in an efficient manner. The training programs help to motivate the employees during the training program. Application of training and development theories in training delivery The BP Company usually holds a question and answer session so as to explain to the employees the importance of training, the reason as to why they were chosen to be trained among others. Employees training are usually very expensive particularly in a case where the employee’s exits the organization after being trained and therefore, it is important for the managers to select carefully the employees to be trained. The trainers should ensure that the training programs’ objectives are in agreement with the employee’s training needs. The training goals should be set in such a way that the employees are able to know whe re they are today and where they should be in the near future. It is thus important for the senior management team to have meetings with the trainees regularly in order to ensure successful completion of the training program. In Bp Company, the human resource manager usually liaises with the employees regularly so as to determine as to whether the employees are well trained and to take up the corrective measures as fast as possible. This enables the employees who are being trained to become familiar with the training expectations and so they works extra hard so as top meet these expectations. The training delivery plays a key role of ensuring that the employees successfully complete their training programmes. The successful completion of the training by the employees ensures that the organization performs well. This is due to the fact that the employees are part and parcel of the organization and so their success reveals the organization’s success. Employees are usually uniqu e with distinct learning styles and therefore, the delivery methods helps to cater for the needs of each trainee. In the BP Company, the training delivery helps the trainees to know their responsibilities so as to work towards achieving their overall objectives. Application of training and development theories in evaluating the training programs An organization requires evaluating the training program that it has implemented so as to determine as to whether the program is successful. The organizations should consider whether the trainees have gained the required skills. If it turns out that the employees have not acquired them relevant skills, the organization should determine the reasons behind it. The senior leadership team at BP oil Company located in Hull for instance holds regular meetings with the employees so as to determine as to whether the employees fails to gain skills due to their personal inability or due to other factors such as unsuccessful training programs(McKenna , 1997,13). The BP Company usually collects all the data concerning the employees training so as to evaluate the employees learning programs effectively. Organizations should first collect all the important information regarding the training so as to clearly evaluate their employees learning programmes. The information that is collected should be quantified and measured in such aspects as output, cost, time-period, and value among others. The BP oil company in Hull also uses quantitative information in form of working habits, employee’s mindset, employee’s growth, compliance, initiativeness among others in evaluating the employees training programs. The company also evaluates the employees training programs so as to determine as to whether the training programs facilitated the employees to adapt to the working environment. Also, the company evaluates the employees training programs by way of observation as well as holding interviews with the employees. The company monito rs the behaviours of the employees all through the learning process so as to establish as to whether the employees are familiarizing themselves with the organization as well as their jobs (Marchington, Wilkinson, 2008, 34). The BP Company also gauges the employee’s reactions with regards to the training programmes. The feedback that the company obtains from the trainees is essential as it enables the company to know how the trainees perceive the training programs and hence to come up with measures aimed at improving the programs. The use of questionnaires as well as the meetings enables the organization to determine the trainees’ attitude towards the training programs. Conclusions based on analysis of theory and practice The learning and development theories, frameworks and concepts play a critical role as far as employees training programs are concerned in organizations. An effective training program is very important as it can facilitate the organization’s su ccess. An organization that is contemplating to formulate an employees learning strategy should consider the following issues i.e. the main customers and the value that they buy from the firm, the competitors and their products in the market, strengths as well as the weaknesses of the organization, the reason as to why the organization is intending to formulate the training strategy e.t.c. This answer with regards to the above issues enables an organization to determine its employees training needs. The human resource department of an organization plays as important role of assessing the training needs of the employees. The management can compare the employees existing skills or performance s against the expected skills.In case of any differences between the employee’s current skills and the anticipated ones, then the training should be recommended (Woodall Winstanley, 2000, 22). Recommendations The following are my recommendations; an organization should clearly identify th e employees who require to be trained so a not to waste monetary assets in training the employees and the same employees exits the organization as a result of finding employment opportunities elsewhere. Thus, it is important to find out where learning is required and an internal audit should be carried out so as to assist in pointing out the needy areas for training. The organizational leaders should maintain an open and trusted relationship with the employees so as to ensure that they share important information with regards to employees training and development. An organization should asses its current employees skills so as to determine it can provide the appropriate training programs to each and every trainee. The management should thus determine the future directions of the organization so as to determine the effectiveness of a learning program. Also, it is important for the senior leadership team to determine as to whether the company is committed in supporting the learning ef forts based on such aspects as financial aspects e.t.c. This will help to ensure that the training program to be developed does not fail following the lack of financial commitment. The management should also liaise with the trainees on regular basis so as to determine as to whether the training is in accordance with the set goals. Reference List Bee, F Bee, R., 2003.Learning needs analysis and evaluation: 2nd ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Gibb, S., 2008. Human resource development: process, practices and  Perspectives: 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Harrison, R., 2009.Learning and development 5th edn. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A., 2008. Human resource management at work:  4th edn. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. McKenna, E, P., 1997. When work doesn’t work anymore: women, work and  Identity. London: Simon Schuster. Megginson, D. Whitaker, V. , 2007.Continuing professional development, 2nd  Ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Reid M. Barrington H., 2004. Human resource development: beyond training  Interventions. London: CIPD. Sparks, J. Loucks, H.R., 1998. Evaluating professional development. UK: Corwin Press. Stewart, J., 1999. Employee development practice. London: Financial Times Management. Swart, J. et al., 2005.Human resource development: strategy and tactics. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Walton, J., 1999. Strategic human resource development Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall Woodall J. Winstanley, D., 2000.Management Development: Strategy and  Practice. Hoboken: Blackwell. This essay on BP company employee training and development was written and submitted by user Shania S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ask an Expert How to Boost your Author SEO Reedsy

Ask an Expert How to Boost your Author SEO Reedsy How to Boost your Author SEO: An Interview with Murray Izenwasser As an author in the beginning stages of a marketing strategy, where do you start when it comes to author Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? It can be very daunting having to compete with large publishing houses as well as already successful and well-known authors. To help tackle this really important topic, we had SEO expert Murray Izenwasser give his insights on how exactly author SEO works.Click play below to watch the video chat or read the transcript below! Hi Murray, I really appreciate you talking with me today. Why don’t you start out by giving us a bit of background on yourself and Biztegra?Thank you! I’ve been doing the online stuff since the 90s so a long time, but Biztegra has been around for about 6 or 7 years now. When we started Biztegra we wanted to bring the digital agency and the way we approach it to a smaller organization. We do two things: marketing on one side and technology on the other. With marketing, we do the optimizations for searches on social and mobile applications and for technology we have developers in Argentina who build out the web, social, and mobile applications we need to support those marketing programs.Last year, we launched a product called Publishr, which is a platform where our publishing clients will be able to move their websites over and onto. In the publishing industry, we’ve found that there’s a lot of opportunities for websites to improve. Historically, people in p ublishing were â€Å"bound† to traditional printing and now the people who are left are the onesThat's great and I agree with you that it really just does come down to time and not annoying your audience. This has been very helpful for our authors who are either trying to rank higher on Google or building their author website or trying to gain traffic on their blogs. Thank you so much, Murray!Follow Murray Izenwasser and Reedsy on Twitter: @MurrayIz and @ReedsyHQHave you experimented with SEO and Content Marketing? Do you have a marketing strategy for your next book launch? Let us know your thoughts, or ask Murray any question you want, in the comments below!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Summarize idea on the article paragraph reaction, response, question Essay

Summarize idea on the article paragraph reaction, response, question - Essay Example tive difficulties but at the same time many researchers are now recommending a more widespread use of these cognitive enhancing drugs to help people concentrate more, be awake longer hours and a lot more. However, with an increasing access to these drugs, there is a lot of arising issues that come up, such as the efficacy of this activity and the proven benefits that it can give rather than the problems it can cause. One of the main concerns with the use of these pharmaceutical drugs is the adverse effects it can wrought a person. All we know today is that cognitive enhancing drugs can really give immediate mental which can be attested by the many people who have already tried taking these drugs and have felt and experienced a significant wakefulness, energy, stamina, and memory. In certain surveys, a lot of people take these drugs before testing, while they are doing a paper, or perhaps during long hours of no sleep and they liked the fact that these drugs have delivered in the aspect of urgency by allowing them to think quickly and have an active body. However, speaking of the long term effects of which, little data is available. This is the problem that we have to deal with when it comes to bringing the use of cognitive enhancing drugs to the mainstream. Also, another thing to consider would be the fact that these people who can attest to the effectiveness of the drug cannot truly confirm tha t they actually got great results in the long run, such as the quality of a paper/dissertation, a result to a test, or, perhaps, a grade for a recitation they used the drug for. Thus, though quantity could be the strength of cognitive enhancing drugs as you can do more at a certain period of time, quality is not something they could guarantee. We all know that it is human nature to want to push against our limitations, but what about the risks? This is that one question we need to ask ourselves regarding the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs. Take Ritalin as an example. It

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

FRACKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FRACKING - Essay Example cess of Fracking is excused from primary environmental laws, as well as the Safe Drinking Water Act, and gas spills and mishaps are very common (McKenzie,, 2012). People have played an immense role in this environmental issue; it starts from the process of extracting the gas to the transportation of the waste materials. This puts the water bodies and the general health of the human beings a very significant risk. In fact, most individuals who close to the fracking sites have acquired severe illness from drinking water that is contaminated. The tap water has so much methane such that it can even light a fire (McKenzie,, 2012). All this has been caused by the fracking activities and the poor methods of disposing of the waste products. The industries are not allowed to reveal the chemicals used in the process of fracking, and this is an implication that they are aware that they use dangerous materials. Societies with fracking have witnessed deteriorations in the value of property, growths of the crime rate, and decline in local tourism and farming (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). Over 70% of the elements used in this process are likely to be harmful to the eyes, the skin, as well as the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. Roughly 50% of these materials are likely to have an impact on the brain cell structure, immunity and cardiac systems, 25% of these are liable to cause cancerous diseases and other body related mutations. Nonetheless, most hazards of the pollutants used in the fracking procedure do not appear instantaneously, and they are long term and entail studies observing into long-standing health effects. Methane is a key constituent of natural gas and it likely to trap heat in the atmosphere 20 times than carbon dioxide; this leads to air pollution (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). The fracking process uses chemical additives in the procedure of drilling mud, and the fluids are vital to this process; this leads to major water pollution. The United

Monday, January 27, 2020

An Inclusive Education Debate Education Essay

An Inclusive Education Debate Education Essay The debate on inclusive education is bound to yield conflicting findings. Based on findings already reported in the research, and diversity in the process of inclusion, the field offers much scope for further study. First, the extent to which inclusion benefits students with various special needs whether they be academic, social, and functional in terms of life skills outcomes are yet to be ascertained. It is vital to assess this outcome of special education with reference to attitudes of the teaching community, infrastructure development, political back up and social supports to come to a conclusion about the benefits of special education in the inclusive setting. Special education research must hence intensify its emphasis upon student outcomes in relation to the general education classroom. The extent of teachers reception of the concept must be surveyed among students with special needs and the general student community to further generate data on the validity of the surveys taken on teachers. Only a two sided approach will help control against the urge to give socially acceptable views on survey questions as opposed to actual views to inclusion to ensure its success. This millennium is special in itself as its an era of accountability. It would be interesting to study the teaching communitys expectations of student outcomes for students of different disability types and degrees. This study may hold particular significance as it helps assess the attitude of teachers towards students with different types of special needs. In this study we have assessed teachers views on inclusivity, on collaborative efforts and improvement strategies and seen the overall gender based bias in views on these issues. Although supported by recent statistics, more research is needed to confirm these findings. Further, there is a need to further conduct correlative investigations on teachers attitudes and opinions of inclusion in relation to student outcomes in order to better understand how the concept of inclusion has been understood, evolved and practiced in todays educational forefront. It is apparent that teachers do have preferences and significant attitudes relati ng to the populations of students to whom they provide inclusive education. Both quantitative and qualitative attitude research may further delineate practical approaches to serve various student populations effectively. Education is not the only sector struggling with the tension between social justice-in rhetoric and social justice-in-practice. The education system has long moved past the conventional beliefs and stigmas that girls cant do that and the boys cant do this debates. Even in this age of globalization where gender inequality is taboo however, many teachers are protective of their turf in the curriculum and want to deny access to the curriculum by some learners. Hence the gender bias in education is still a topic whose limits are yet to be exhausted. Teacher stress in general and inclusive education is another field to be considered. In an age where stress and its ill effects are listed in every known field, the burden of inclusive education if any has to be assessed on the teaching community, the children with special needs and the general student population. In support of this theory, research shows that teachers feel ill equipped at times when they deal with the varied range of needs even though they play a key role in changing a students life (Forlin, Hattie Douglas, 1996). McGowan (1984, cited in Trent, 2002) estimated that approximately one quarter of teachers were experiencing acute stress and burnout. There is little evidence to suggest that teacher stress has diminished over subsequent decades. Though teachers play a major key role in shaping up the student generation, inadequacy and the feeling of frustration are the potential barriers to inclusive education. Such challenges are compounded where curriculum and assessment demands may appear inflexible. Pedagogical decision making is another key area of research that has to be widely explored. The real key to inclusivity is through wise pedagogical decisions that will save teachers from the stress of an unbending curriculum and the students from its burden. In fact, advocates of inclusion do not tend to focus upon inclusive education as a product but as a process (Robertson, 1999; Booth Ainscow, 2002; Winzer et al, 2000) founded very much on the democratic principles of mutual respect and collaboration (Jacobson, 2000; Marshall et al, 2002). Inclusive processes are becoming central to school effectiveness research and development. School communities must be invited to reduce the barriers to learning and participation through a collaborative investigation of the schools cultures, policies and practices and to set new priorities for development (Booth Ainscow, 2002). Hence the identification of these barriers and devising methods to overcome them gain prime importance if we expect inclusivity to gain success and acceptance. Initiatives for school effectiveness are attracting global attention for their potential to build collaborative learning communities that support individual learner success. A research-based framework must be laid down to guide teacher learning and development toward school improvement. Social justice, equity and inclusivity must be considered as the foreground and measures to investigate relationships between enhanced student outcomes and school-based management practices, both social and academic (Hayes, Lingard Mills, 2001) must be devised. The need to focus on alignment of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment are central to effective schooling. Educators need to shift their pedagogical focus from testing and reporting on outcomes to supporting and improving outcomes from schooling. The development of positive and self-fulfilling values within all participants in education depends on building learner confidence within a supportive learning environment. This is true for all learners whether they are experienced teachers participating in school improvement processes or whether they are learners who have been disadvantaged within the educational system. For inclusivity to gain its full strength, the educational system should be equipped with teaching fraternity with the following attributes that include: awareness of the history of injustice as a result of discrimination against diversity, recognition and acceptance, (Henderson, 2001); and the ability to collaboratively implement innovations. A system with these attributes will be able to accept difference as the norm and enrich schooling through sensitivity and responsiveness to the diverse contexts of students lives.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The athletic apparel industry of Nike

The athletic apparel industry in which Nike is involved is a major money maker in the United States, but the fact that none of the factories are located in North America has brought some heat to the company. Nike controls more than 40 percent of the U.S. Market for sports related goods, but doesn†t have a single sneaker factory in this country (Miller 1). Nike continues to make millions of dollars yet exploits workers overseas by paying them very little, while requiring long hours without overtime pay in factories that are not up to â€Å"American† standard. Nike subcontractors employ nearly 500,000 workers in plants in Indonesia, China and Vietnam (Saporito 1). The exploitation of workers in Third World counties, where the majority of Nike†s labor is done sparks a controversial issue. People question why is it that Nike continues these practices. According to â€Å"Just do it, Nike,† Nike seems especially fond of doing business in undemocratic countries like China and Indonesia, where the military can be relied upon to â€Å"crack heads† if workers get out of line (Miller 2). The military monitoring has been a large controversy due to the fact that these are often Chinese working against other Chinese workers, or Vietnamese against their own people also. For Nike there are two benefits: it it†s a cheap way to monitor in an overseas factory and it creates a sheaper labor workforce. In turn making the labor cheaper for Nike. This makes it possible for Nike workers from the states to work on other things and only tour the factories when nessecary. While still assuming a stable workforce without good pay. The critics of Nikes labor practices have taken tours and witnessed the mistreatment firsthand. Time magazine reported saying,† The plants were found to be modern and clean, well lighted and ventilated and paying a decent wage by local standards-although by no means are they trouble free. Make no mistake: these are factories not amusement parks, and even in developing Asia, where jobs are scarce and getting scarcer, this is not the job of choice.† (Saporito 1) The wages that the workers overseas are paid is nothing when compared to how much we pay for a pair of shoes or the profit that CEO Phil Knight is making off his sportswear giant he once operated out of the back of his car as a college student. â€Å"A big issue that surrounds sweatshops is wage. The minimum wage often does not reflect the cost of living.† (Hepner Online) Is the wage fair? There are many people who feel the wage is fair and the cost of living is taken into account when the wage is looked at, but studies show otherwise in many factories. Just recently, CNN reported a raise to entry level workers in Indonesia, Nike officials said â€Å"the increase will raise the minimum monthly compensation package-which includes bonuses, housing, healthcare, transportation and meal allowances to approximately $37.14 a month.†(Nike Establishes Labor† Online) To many people living in the U.S., that package may sound good however the compensation package doesn†t do away with the long hours, the poor conditions or the low rate of pay. Many of these workers are young children working to help support their families. The benefits do not make up for the low pay rates that keep them in the work force. The pay is only enough to get by where these children want to be saving in order to leave the factories and return home. In â€Å"Taking a Look inside Nike†s Factories†, part of Bill Saporito†s, â€Å"Can Nike Get Unstuck?† this is what was found. â€Å"Americans pay $100 for a pair of shoes that a worker gets less than $3 a day to make. They pay Michael Jordan $40 million to endorse them. Can†t they find more money to pay the workers? The short answer is no, because corporations pay the going rate for labor whereever they are.† (Saporito 1) If this statement is true Nike pays the wage for the country the factory is in, then what is the controversy about? Much of it stems from the overtime that these workers are forced to work without over time compensation. Here in the United States there are regulations placed on businesses that require then to compensate their workers with a higher wage for over time hours. So since Nike is an U.S. based company should Nike have to pay overtime? The answer is no. Nike doesn†t have to pay overtime like here in the U.S. so they don†t. In Vietnam â€Å"Workers so want a reduction in overtime, the length of annual leave for the Indonesian workers making Nike shoes is more than 30 days though dozens of workers interviewed in November, said the actual amount is 10 days.† (Ballinger 2) There has been evidence of Nike breaking at least nine labor laws in China according to AMRC; a Hong Kong based human rights group that has been monitoring the abuse of human rights in China for the last 20 years. â€Å"Children as young as 13, were found employed in Nike factories, working from 144-192 overtime hours per month to make ends meet.† (Designer 1) Ernest and Young, an accounting firm, hired by Nike, to do research and the issue reported conditions in Vietnam â€Å"where young women toil sixty-five hour weeks for $10, in air so bad that 78 percent of the employees have respiratory problems.† (Miller1) Factory workers endure abuse on the job lacking a voice or ablility to do anything about it. Since Nike contracts out for their factory managers, it has been hard for Nike to regulate what goes on when they are not on their tour or walk through. â€Å"A Korean supervisor in a Vietnam factory was found guilty of beating 15 Vietnamese about the head with a shoe â€Å"upper†, and another Korean supervisor was charged with sexual molestation.† (Saporito 3) In this instance it was not an U.S. supervisor, nor was it a military officer but someone of a different nationality. The hard part is that there are no independent unions and meaningful corporate codes of conduct to discipline management. So workers must turn to the courts for help which is a long fought battle that no one wants to attempt. In one case that made it to, a Vietnamese court recently found a Korean supervisor guilty of beating workers and extradition may be sought for the accused sexual molester who fled. In Indonesia 24 discharged Nike workers are challenging the legality of their dismissal before the country†s Supreme Court (Saporito 3). These are major breakthroughs in the court systems to have someone tried and convicted in these distant countries whose courts are often corrupted. Factory conditions are consistently getting press here in the U.S., as many are angry with Nike for not providing for their overseas employees. The following account is of the conditions in a Chiniese factory: Twelve hour shifts several days a week; wages as low as 16 cents and hour; 16 workers to a dorm room; pregnant women fired. Workers are not allowed to talk. There is constant pressure to produce-workers are yelled at. If you don†t meet your high production quota you must stay until you do-without pay. The factory is noisy, filled with dust and fumes. Workers have fainted, overcome by the long hours and the glue fumes. One worker died; another lost an arm; other has had their fingers broken by the equipment. Most workers have never heard of the Nike code of conduct. There is no union and workers are afraid that if they complain, they will be fired. When a group of workers stopped working in March to protest had not been paid, they were fired. The supervisor warns workers in advance of any inspection, the factory is cleaned and if workers are interviewed it is in the presence of factory management. (â€Å"The Neediest and the Greediest† 4) This is only one description of the factory conditions and the requirements that are put on the workers of these factories, on contract with Nike. In order to deal with the criticism Nike gets about working conditions and pay, â€Å"Nike Inc recently established a new department with a mandate to continue to evolve it†s monitoring of subcontracted manufacturing facilities and to continue to upgrade conditions for workers in subcontracted facilities around the world.† (â€Å"Nike establishes† 1) This department will monitor, compensation issues, benefits, the work environments, recruiting and hiring policies, overtime policies, worker management, environmental issues and supervision of independent monitoring systems. All these are large steps by Nike to improve it†s factories and to repair the relations with people here in the U.S. who are appalled by the reports of poor work environment workers are forced to endure. â€Å"The company has been tarred by an image as a sweatshop operator that exploits Asian workers who make shoes and apparel for Nike subcontractors. Nike†s efforts to be a good corporate citizen, and they have been considerable, have yet to sway the public forum. Basically, our culture, and our style, is to be a rebel, and we sort of enjoy doing that,† says Knight, who created a jock empire based on hero worship backed up with good product and great advertising. â€Å"Now that we reached a certain size there†s a fine line between being rebel and being a bully, and yeah, we have to walk that line.†Ã¢â‚¬  (Saporito 6) According to Knight he will continue to make the sport-wear giant successful any way he can. â€Å"The estimated net worth of co founder and current CEO Phil Knight is $5.4 billion, one of the wealthiest people in America.† (Miller 1) The issue remains whether the sports wear giant, Nike, will continue to do work in other countries, where labor is cheap and regulations are few, and not monitored on a normal basis. Nike will continue to exploit workers in these countries as long as America continues to buy the products. Nike, who recently spent $978 million in one year on advertising worldwide, depends upon Americans and their children to purchase its sneakers. Yet it locates 150 factories and some 350,000 jobs in Asia. Knight recently made the absurd and arrogant statement that, â€Å"Americans don†t want to make shoes.†Ã¢â‚¬  (Sanders 2) Is CEO Phil Knight right? Are American workers not willing to make the shoes that are so popular in stores and classrooms across the nation. If so, the exploitation will continue and Nike workers will remain underpaid and over worked in poor working conditions.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Compare/Contrast Organic Food Essay

You’re in a bit of a dilemma standing in front of the produce section of your local grocery store. In one hand, you’re holding conventionally grown (non-organic) Granny Smith apple. In your other hand, you have one that’s been organically grown. Both apples look the same and provide vitamins and fiber. The non-organic apple is a proven family favorite. But the organic apple has a label that says â€Å"USDA Organic. † Does that mean it’s more expensive? Grown differently? Better for you? Most organic food cost more than conventional food products. Higher prices are due to more expensive farming practices and more strict government regulations. Because organic farmers don’t use herbicides or pesticides, many tools that control weeds and pests use more labor and man power. Conventionally grown food may be more cost effective, especially when you’re on a budget, but remember ‘you always get what you pay for’. How is organic farming different from conventional farming? Organic Farming applies natural fertilizers such as manure to feed soil and plants. Crops are rotated, and farmers hand weed or mulch, to manage weeds. They give their animals a balanced organic diet and clean housing to minimize disease. Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth and herbicides to manage weeds. The farmers give their animals antibiotics and medicines to prevent disease. Some people buy organic food to limit their exposure to these chemicals. Organic produce claims to be healthier than non organic produce. Both are nutritional but organic contains higher levels of vitamins C and A, antioxidants, and essential minerals. They are free of synthetic additives that contribute to heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, migraines and Alzheimer’s. Conventional farming uses chemicals that leave residues from more than five hundred chemical pesticides. So the next time you’re standing at the grocery store wondering if you should buy organic or conventionally grown food, think about if the money is worth living healthy or not. The irony is that up until about fifty years ago, organic was all we had. Once farmers started to use pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics we lost what eating was all about: health and nutrition.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Discover the Hidden Reality in The Great Gatsby Essay

â€Å"There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind appearance.† Said Albert Einstein about the relationship between appearance and reality. Einstein is telling the readers that people are discovering new things that were hidden behind illusions of what had appeared. Humans have to use hat feeling to see threw those appearances to discover the elements that form the reality they live in. Scott Fitzgerald uses the creation of illusive appearance but also writes a discoverable reality for the most of the characters in his novels. In his novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald creates a strong relationship between the illusion of appearance†¦show more content†¦He helped him reconnect with Daisy and supported him loyally till his funeral. Meanwhile, Nick is a really nice person who cares and seems like he is always there for Daisy. Although he does not do the right thing when it comes to helping her choose between Tom and Jay, he just leaves the scene, probably because he did not want to take sides, as he was a close friend with all three parties of that conflict. â€Å"At this point Jordan and [Nick] tried to go, but Tom and Gatsby insisted with competitive firmness that [they] remain† (Fitzgerald 7, 130). Carraway tries to flee the scene, instead of advising Daisy that Jay would be a much better man than Tom who is cheating on her ever was. As her cousin, it was part of his duty to guide her and tell her about the most realistic option in spontaneous and unexpected situations of such. That’s is to say, Nick is one of the characters that will express the strong bond between the illusion of appearance and reality by his kind personality that covers the mistakes and bad decisions he makes. Secondly, Daisy is another example of an individual of the novel who appears to be things she really is not. Scott Fitzgerald’s illusions of the appearance of Daisy are meant to affect the events in the novel. Daisy is introduced as a pure hearted, guiltless and lovable character. â€Å"The other girl, Daisy, made an attempt to rise — she leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression — then she laughed, an absurd,Show MoreRelatedColor Interpretations in The Great Gatsby Essay1302 Words   |  6 PagesDiscovering hidden messages in a novel compares to solving a puzzle or finding hidden treasure. Underlying symbols appear in many works of literature and lead the reader forward to discover the deeper substance of a character. In The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald uses subtle tones and clues to tell readers more about a character. These signs aid the reader in revealing the meaning of certain situations and clearing up any confusion. Colors contr ibute much to explain the unconscious thoughtsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. 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